Tag: Personal Growth

A Letter To 16 Year Old Me

In light of my birthday coming up next week I wanted my next few posts to not only reflect on the past but act as incentive and an alignment referral for the future.  The process of writing a letter to my past, present and future self definitely helped to re-evaluate where I’m at and where I’m going.

So what advice would you give to your younger self?

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Dear Kaitlyn,

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IMG_9534These are the steps I take in order to get out my twenty-something, doing nothing, going nowhere ruts.

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Let’s face it, in life we are constantly stuck in situations. Stuck in a dead-end job not knowing what other path to take. Stuck studying a subject you don’t even like. Stuck living at home with your parents wanting to move out. Stuck single wanting a relationship. Stuck in a relationship with no growth or not knowing whether you’re in the right relationship. Sound familiar to anyone? I’m absolutely not an expert in all these topics, but these are the things I make myself remember to become okay with feeling stuck. Because I do feel like an expert in that field!

Feather Stuck

1. You are working towards doing something whether you know it or not. Give yourself some credit because despite how it may look the rest of us are feeling the same in one way or another! This is not an excuse if you know you could be doing more to get to where you want to be. It is reassurance that despite what you think, you are progressing. Even if you believe you feel stuck the mere life experience doing what you’re doing, the conversations, the memories, the time and especially the mistakes are going to contribute to finding your way. Helping gain clarity deciding what you want and just as importantly what you don’t want.

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PEOPLE tend to give us advice based not only from their mistakes and experiences but from their definition of what it means to be successful. Often due to the limited opportunities they had themselves (particularly those from a different generation) they have weighted a secure job with financial gain the sole element in becoming successful.


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There’s something I love about looking through windows while travelling.It doesn’t matter if it’s a train, bus, plane, tram, hostel, taxi or even boat. It’s not the excitement of the reflections of those strangers in the same place. Curious as to see where they’re going, where they’ve been or what they know.

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